Build Your Brand and Your Promise to Your Customers!

June 22, 2017

Your brand = Your businessmost valuable commodity. The future of protecting that commodity means thinking through your print strategy.

It should be ahead of the time…with print? We know what you’re thinking. To some, that could sound crazy. But not when it comes to your brand, whose future depends on staying ahead of the curve and keeping your brand promise. In a recent article Paul Miser, CEO and founder of an NYC digital consultancy, talks about how brands are having a hard time keeping up with their promise.

So what can you do about it?

“In order to be different, we have to think different,” Miser says in his article. “The main cause of this issue is the gap between what the brand promise is and what it needs to become. First and foremost, it needs to be evolved”.

Print to the rescue

Having a solid strategy in place on how to stay on top of those customer expectations is going to be key. Communicating that strategy and brand promise to your customers is the next step. How? Through print!

Some things are a necessary print item, like business cards. It’s time to go beyond the ““because we have to” approach. Instead, think about how you can use the piece to achieve your overall goal – while keeping to your brand promise.

And for everything else, brand “development” needs to become part of the planning process. No more printing just because “we need brochures” or because “the sales team requested new material” or “we should send out an invite”.

Ask yourself:

  • What’s the goal of this piece?
  • What brand promise are we communicating to our customers and can we keep it with how we’re presenting ourselves?

Make your printer a part of that conversation! An attentive and strategically oriented printer will be with you every step of the way to help set you up for success.

The talk with your printer should go well beyond just colors to what your brand stands for and is trying to convey. Modern, tech-savvy versus stable, financial or law based companies have plenty of different options available to get those brands across.

Start thinking beyond your “normal” print and instead apply some serious applications to your printed materials. 

Make sure your printer is working with you to make it happen.

You’ll be on your way to making sure your brand stays ahead your competitors – and keeping up with customer expectations.

Amanda Sexton is a contributing Editor at SHOUT, a 25 year old graphic and print solutions family-owned company located in Flemington, NJ that specializes in high-quality results for businesses, entertainment and events, and commercial services. Focused on providing products that support a broader goal for their customers, SHOUT’s team delivers projects with a personal touch throughout the entire process.

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