Designed and Delivered: SHOUT! On The Go

March 3, 2021

Let 2021 be the year of creative problem-solving. Covid-19 may be with us for a while, but life—and business—find a way to go on. Weddings and events have gone virtual in a big way. Birthdays, graduations, and other milestones are celebrated in our yards as well-wishes are shouted from cars. Restaurants have adapted with increased takeout and delivery service. 

How are we taking this on? We’re finding newer, better ways to meet your needs by expanding our service options. In 2021, that means bringing as much as possible to you. Literally. 

Introducing Shout! On the Go

One of our long-standing service lines is vehicle decals. Vehicle decals act as a mobile billboard for your brand message, able to draw attention even sitting in traffic. For businesses—whatever the industry—decals on your business vehicles make a significant impact.  

Consider the following data:

  • Vehicle advertising creates more impressions per dollar than any other mass communication medium available
  • Individual vehicle advertising generates between 30,000 – 80,000 daily vehicular impressions in major metropolitan areas
  • 98% said vehicle graphics created a positive image for the company
  • 96% said vehicle graphics had more impact than billboard

Even better, a well-designed and carefully installed vehicle decal can last for years. It’s the advertising value that lasts. 

Yet, turning over your business fleet to install decals can be a logistical challenge. That’s why we’re now providing SHOUT! On The Go. You’ll get the same creative design assistance throughout the entire process, but with new flat-rate pricing options and a professional installation done right in your parking lot. All services must be provided within 50 miles of our Flemington, New Jersey office. 

Design Inspiration

Vehicle Decals VanHow can your business put vehicle decals to work for you? Here’s some inspiration from our recent work for SHOUT! On the Go. 

You don’t have to go big to make a big impression. Vehicle decals as the name suggests, only cover part of your business vehicle and typically focus on a few elements such as your logo or branded graphics, contact information, and other essential identifying information. With a creative eye, you’ll still have lots of options.  

Decals for Delivery Vehicles

Delivery vehicles can help you do your work in more ways than one. Yes, you can use them to deliver flowers/pizza/pet food to your clients. But you can also use them to boost your visibility and brand awareness.

Vehicle decals are great even if you run a smaller operation—in fact, they offer lots of value for small businesses by demonstrating a professional appearance. When potential clients see your branded vehicles around town again and again, they’ll start thinking, “Wow, they’re everywhere!” 

Decals for Pick-Up Trucks

Vehicle Decal Truck

Home improvement projects have increased during the pandemic, which means that contractors and their trucks are out in big numbers. That’s good news for contractors across the country. 

But plain-Jane trucks won’t stand out on a residential street, will they? If you want to distinguish your work truck, vehicle decals get your name, logo, and contact information out there for the whole neighborhood to see. 

Vehicle decals also give your vehicle a super power: to generate effortless customer endorsement. Just seeing your vehicle—and your logo, of course—parked outside their long-time neighbor’s house builds trust in you. 

Decals for Box Trucks

If you’ve got a box truck and you don’t use vehicle decals, you’re missing a big opportunity to promote your business. Box trucks offer a huge canvas for vehicle decal creativity. There’s nothing wrong with playing it safe with a classic logo-name-contact information combo, but there are infinite graphic options at your disposal. Think outside the box (truck)!

If you want to learn how to turn your dream into an affordable reality, don’t be shy—contact us to get started with a vehicle decal from SHOUT! On the Go. 

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